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Developed for the intelligent transport of palletised loads. It provides extraordinary flexibility, high efficiency, smooth and safe operation. High vehicle availability thanks to high-performance LiFePo4 batteries and ultra-fast chargers.

agv a1 sorter vehicles

G130 2.0

The installation of our transport vehicles in the warehouse does not require additional financial outlays and is carried out within - just - a few days. Reconfiguration of tasks and routes can be performed by the user himself.

Thanks to advanced multi-directional drive technology, our vehicles can drive sideways through narrow passages, turn around their own axis and maneuver in tight spaces. This shortens the route and travel time, which results in lower labor costs. The working corridor for the A1 Sorter G130 2.0. is less than 200 cm.

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Product specifications:

Load capacity: 1200 kg

Speed: 1.5 m/s

Navigation: SLAM lidar navigation (+/- 10 mm)

Dimensions: 1663 x 604 x 827 mm (L x W x H)

Signal mast: Standard height 2235 mm

Fork length: 1300 mm

Weight: 222 kg


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