Flexible Conveyors
Accordion roller conveyors are used in logistics centers, courier sorting plants and manufacturing and trading companies. This inexpensive and universal device effectively improves the loading and unloading of parcels and packages. Thanks to its mobility, it can be used to connect - if necessary - e.g. the reception or shipping zone with a loading dock. As a result of the use of the scissor system, the flexible conveyor can be set in the shape of e.g. the letter C, S, O and its length can be smoothly adjusted. By stretching to the maximum, the length of the conveyor can be increased threefold. After folding the device to the resting value, we minimize the space needed for its storage. Conveyors can be connected - creating transport routes of any length. We offer stretch conveyors in two variants: driven and gravity.
Flexible gravity conveyor
Przenośnik elastyczny grawitacyjny z zastosowanymi roleczkami, oferuje największą elastyczność wśród urządzeń tej kategorii. Jego niewątpliwą zaletą jest duży udźwig wynoszący 450 kg/ mb. Maksymalna długość po rozłożeniu jest czterokrotnie większa od długości spoczynkowej. Pozwala to na...
Elevating belt conveyor
Used in places where it is necessary to transport an object on different levels. Thanks to gentle upper and lower breaks, the object smoothly overcomes the elevations. The device consists of a drive console, a steel frame, transport belts, a system of tensioning rollers...