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Pallet lift

The pallet lift is the ideal solution for automated pallet handling and is the perfect complement to the roller conveyors of the pallet transport system and the insertion module. The pallet lift is equipped with a roller conveyor that picks up and transfers pallets in a very short...

pallet lift

Pallet transport system

Pallet conveyors allow for the transport of large-sized items such as cartons and pallets. The pallet system allows for minimizing the time of transporting items between individual warehouse zones. Thanks to the use of a lift, we can optimize the flow of goods on several floors.

Introductory module

Pallet transport system - insertion module - Its task is to quickly and easily transport pallets and guide pallets to transfer modules. The device consists of a steel housing, chain guides, bumpers, shaft and drive...

pallet transport system

Roller conveyor

The roller pallet conveyor is a device that allows the transport of products using the rotational movement of the rollers. The drive used in this device is powered by 400V and has the ability to cooperate with control systems. The engine drive is transmitted by means of a chain...

a1 sorter pallet transport system

Simple chain module

Chain pallet conveyor is a device that allows for transverse movement of the transported material. The device is driven by a motor, which is powered by 400V and is adapted to cooperate with control systems. The drive transmits rotary motion to the chains...

pallet transport system from a1 sorter

Chain Transfer

The chain transfer module is a segment equipped with its own drive. Its task is to quickly and easily transport pallets. The transfer is equipped with an additional chain and two drive units, in order to move pallets on the transfer surface and to enable the guidance of goods on...

pallet transport system

Roller transfer

The roller transfer is a segment equipped with its own drive powered by 400V. Its task is to change the transfer direction of selected pallets leading to a perpendicular roller module. The drive from the electric motor is transmitted by means of a chain. The device consists of a steel frame...

pallet transport system


A turntable is a device whose main task is to change the direction of the transported material by performing a rotational movement in the range from 0° to 180°. The device is an element of a transport line cooperating with roller conveyors. The turntable is built...


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